Monday, August 24, 2009



Released in February of 1992, this book is a continuation of CAPTAIN AMERICA #396, which I reviewed previously on this blog. Click here to check out that review. Cap #397 was written and drawn by the same team as #396, Gruenwald and Levins, however, I thought that they did a better job with this one.

First off, Levins' artwork was much better in this publication, I especially like the opening scene with Cap surrounded by a hallucination that he was put into at the end of the last one by Jack O'Lantern. It just seemed that Levins may have just had more to work with on this one. He makes Cap look wonderful, even down in the catacombs under Skull Manor.

Secondly, this story involves the Red Skull more. We actually get to hear a bit more from him, and find out more of his hobbies (you know, what he does for fun when he's not busy trying to destroy the free world!) It seems that his reck-room is a torture chamber, and he likes to put himself through his torture devices, quoting Nietche, "What does not break me, makes me stronger." Skull decides to test his new protege, the green serpent lady, (as I like to call her) and tells her to control the torture devices that he is in. I think the Sado/Masequism is the "adult" content in this one! On top of that, the cliff hanger at the end shows Cap's girlfriend, Diamondback in the clutches of Cross Bones, a diabolical murderer, hell bent on getting revenge on Cap for one reason or another. I'll be looking for the next issue in the back issue boxes at my local comic book store!

I would have to say that I like this one a lot better than the previous issue. I would have to rate this one at a 3 1/2 out of 5.

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