Monday, August 17, 2009


This one is an oldie but a goodie! JASON MONARCH was released by a pretty much unknown comic book company back in 1979 called Omnibus Publishing Company. Inside the book were three different titles, "Jason Monarch," and "It," which were both written by Dave Lillard and "Star Menagerie" by Fred Bobb. Easily the best of the three titles was "Jason Monarch" with the other two basically as page fillers.

Though published in black and white, there is no denying Jim Craig's talent in penciling this one. His framing was wonderful and his visual story-telling a caffeinated kick in the keister! I enjoyed the story of Jason Monarch, whose parents were killed in a car accident when he was young. His grandfather, nearing the end of his time, finally initiates contact with him in order to give Jason his "Inheritance," which includes a secret lunar military base, named "Echo Base," that has been passed down through generations as a last defensive post for Earth. Immediately upon finding out this information, Jason's grandfather dies and the base is attacked by aliens and he is forced without the luxury of comprehension to wage battle alongside his new beautiful Ship Captain to defend the base.

I love the way that Lillard writes immediate chemistry into the characters and their new relationships with each other. We can already tell that there is going to be some romantic tension between Jason and the ship Captain. I also look forward to trying to find other issues simply to find out what kind of enemies that Echo Base is protecting Earth from. I certainly hope that Omnibus Publishing Company was able to continue production of this series so that there is at least a hope of being able to find later issues of this awesome rare find. I would have to say that "Jason Monarch" gets a solid four out of five stars, definitely worth looking for.

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