Friday, August 14, 2009


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From January of 1992 with pencils by Rik Levins and written by Mark Greunwald, this issue pits Cap up against quite a few foes.

It opens as Cap and Thor have been captured by Arnim Zola during their investigation the alleged death of Red Skull. Being detained by Zola's creation, Doughboy, they are engulfed by Doughboy's dough and flown to a nearby lake and taken under water by Doughboy in an attempt to kill them.

Not to worry, Thor throws his mighty hammer and perforates Doughboy allowing himself and Cap to escape. Thor keeps Doughboy busy as Cap goes back after Zola only to discover that the Red Skull's mansion has vanished. While investigating the scene, Cap end up doing battle with Jack O'Lantern and Red Skull's son, Blackwing.

Both enemies did put up a good fight in the empty basement foundation of the Skull's mansion, however I do think that I would have enjoyed the book better if I had known the story line a bit better, but this was one that I found in the back-issue grab bin. That aside, I thought that the artwork was quite good, though I would have like to have seen a better drawn Doughboy. I'd give this one about a 3-star rating.

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