Stranded in an alternate universe overrun by zombies, the only safe-haven being a secret research lab run by non-zombified humans attempting to solve the zombie epidemic, Deadpool has found himself doing missions to help himself and his traveling companions to return to their own universe. With the assistance of the severed head of his alternate self now a zombie, one of these missions is to capture a Super Human within the universe who has also been turned into a zombie. By using the severed head, Deadpool lures the Super-zombie into a trap to then capture him and take him back to the secret lab. To pay Deadpool for his services, the lead researcher, a very fine, rather horny Professor Veronica pays Deadpool by sleeping with him.
Published for May of 2010 by Marvel and written by Victor Gischler and pencilled by Bong Dazo, This comic book left quite a bit to be desired. I was really looking forward to reading this story, knowing that Deadpool is indeed the "Merc with a mouth," I was expecting a lot more action and attitude from this one. The pace of the book was rather slow and the only somewhat humorous repartee was between Deadpool and his own zombified severed head, and even that was more annoying than funny or interesting.
The redeeming factor in this issue was the artwork by Dazo. His rendering of the zombies were grotesque and over the top, but only slightly which made for a great hand-drawn comic feel. And even his illustrations of Professor Veronica were gorgeous enough to make her reward good bait for Deadpool's capturing of the zombie.
I did not like how the story ended though, just as it seemed that the action was going to start as the zombies learned the location of the secret laboratory, the issue ended with "To be continued..." Though I thought the artwork was awesome, I've always been more story oriented and the story just didn't trip my trigger in this one, which is why I rate DEADPOOL: MERC WITH A MOUTH #9 a two of five stars.